Soil, the hidden treasure - a brochure about the services of the soil
In May, the National Research Programme "Sustainable Use of Soil as a Resource" (NRP 68) will publish "Soil, the hidden treasure", an information brochure targeted at the general public. The publication will be realised in collaboration with the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) and the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE).
After a preface by the Federal Councillors Doris Leuthard and Johann N. Schneider Ammann, the author of the brochure "Soil, the hidden treasure", Gregor Klaus, presents up-to-date information about soil in an accessible way. The publication is illustrated by the internationally known artist Nils Nova and some spectacular photographs of the microcosm soil. The focus lies on explaining the functions of soil and the services it renders to society such as soil fertility, water retention capacity and climate buffer. This shows just how precious healthy soils are. The brochure accompanies the activities related to the International Year of Soils 2015 and is suitable for use in secondary schools. It can be ordered free of charge from NRP 68 and the FOEN.