Key topics

Key aspect 1: Soil Organic Matter (SOM)

The carbon cycle is the key factor for the greenhouse effect. The soil, as a significant carbon store, plays a decisive role in this. At the same time, carbon-based soil organic matter plays an important role for many soil functions.

Key aspect 2: Soil Biology

The soil is the habitat for a wide range of soil organisms, which are crucial for various soil functions, in particular for soil fertility.

Key aspect 3: Soils in Agrosystems

The type of agricultural management affects soil quality in different ways. It can support soil functions, but it can also diminish them.

Key aspect 4: Soil Information and Governance

Available information on soil aspects is not spatially inclusive and comprehensive, but such information is needed for sustainable soil management. Required are not only data on land use, but also on soil functions and soil quality.

Thematic Syntheses

The aim of the thematic syntheses is to place the research results within an overall context in line with the needs of stakeholders and to develop specific tools, concepts and strategies for practitioners and the cantonal and federal offices. These syntheses will make an important contribution to the programme's goals. Results are expected in spring 2018.

FACCE-JPI: Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research

The aim of this call for proposals by FACCEcall for proposals by FACCE - JPI is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gas in agriculture. Four projects involving researchers from Switzerland will be funded.

International Call on MitigationExternal Link Icon

FACCE-JPI ERA-NET+: Climate Smart Agriculture

ERA-NET Plus, initiated by FACCE - JPI and co-financed through the 7th Framework Programme (FP7), studies the adaptation of European agriculture to climate change.

ERA-NET Plus on Climate Smart AgricultureExternal Link Icon

FACCE – JPI/BiodivERsA: Synergies and Trade-Offs between Food Supply, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

The projects of the joint call for proposals by FACCE - JPI and the ERA-NET BiodivERsA examine, on the one hand, how biodiversity can better support agro-ecosystems and agricultural production systems in a changing environment. On the other hand, they aim to identify political measures and strategies that can boost the positive effects of biodiversity and ecosystem services within these systems.

Joint call with BiodivERsAExternal Link Icon

Brochure on the callExternal Link Icon

FACCE – JPI/Belmont Forum: Food Security and Climate Change

The aim of the joint call of FACCE – JPI and the Belmont Forum is to create the knowledge basis for innovation and decision processes which promote sustainable land use and greater food security without further destroying the environment.

Joint Call on Food Security and Land Use ChangeExternal Link Icon