Swiss photo competition to mark the International Year of Soils 2015

Photographing the hidden world of soils? With a photo competition, the sponsors (Federal Office for the Environment, Federal Office for Agriculture, Federal Office for Spatial Development and the environmental expert group of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects) want to encourage the inhabitants of Switzerland to take a closer look at the soil, a resource of vital importance.

​Between May and September 2015, both professional and hobby photographers are invited to upload their three best pictures of the month via the website Ten Lumix cameras provided by Panasonic Switzerland will be presented to the winners at the awards ceremony in December 2015.

The sponsors are hopeful that the close observation involved in making photographs will help to raise awareness of the value and significance of soils for humans and the environment. This is an important endeavour because soil is under threat not only in Switzerland, where one square metre of this essential resource is lost per second, but also worldwide.