FACCE-JPI ERA-NET+: Climate Smart Agriculture

ERA-NET Plus, initiated by FACCE - JPI and co-financed through the 7th Framework Programme (FP7), studies the adaptation of European agriculture to climate change. One project involving researchers from Switzerland will be funded.


Approval of eight additional JPI projects Approval of eight additional JPI projects http://www.nfp68.ch/en/News/Pages/150420_news_nrp68_approval_eight_additional_jpi_projects.aspx 4/19/2015 10:00:00 PM

Completed projects

Climate Café : Climate change adaptability of agricultural systems in Europe External Link IconClimate Café : Climate change adaptability of agricultural systems in Europe http://www.nfp68.ch/en/projects/facce-jpi-climate-smart-agriculture/climate-cafe Prof. Johan Six